Autism Research Lab
Barbara D'Entremont
- Ph.D. Queen's University (1996); M.Sc., B.Sc. Dalhousie University (1990; 1989)
- Full Professor, University of New Brunswick
- Research interests include
effectiveness of early intervention for children with ASD, quality of
life for individuals with ASD and their family members
- Teaching interests include child development, child psychophathology, child assessment and therapy, disability
- Also maintain a small private clinical practice, providing services to children
Mandy Fulton
- B.A. (Hons) Saint Thomas University (2009)
- Ph.D. Candidate in clinical psychology UNB (Year 7)
- Research interests include effectiveness
of early intervention for preschool-aged children with ASD, pretend
play and communciation of preschool-aged children with ASD and quality
fo life of school-aged children with ASD
- Current research: quality of life of school-aged children with ASD
- Clinical interests include child and adolescent populations, autism
spectrum disorder, psychoeducational assessment, individual and group
therapy, parenting, behavioural intervention, school consultation, and
cognitive behaviour therapy.
- Also provide supervised clinical services at a local practice as well as the UNB Psychological Wellness Centre
Sebastian Pacey-Smith
- B.Sc. (Hons) University of New Brunswcik (2013)
- Ph. D.candidate in clinical psychology UNB (Year 4)
- Research interests include quality of life for adolescents and adults wiht ASD
- Current rsearch: leisure participation in adults with ASD
- Also providing assessment and therapy to children and adolescents in a private practice setting
Jay Best
- B.A. (Hons) Tyndale University (2013)
- Ph.D. Candidate in clinical psychology UNB (Year 2)
- Research interests centre around parents of childen with ASD
- Current research: parent stress and family quality of life as children transition to adulthood
- Also provide therapy to adults at the UNB Psychological Wellness Centre